Stanford Awesome Engineer and Postdoctoral Fellow
Clark Center, Room S….
Clark Center, Room S….
Research Interests
I love doing Biomechanics !!
Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University, 1912
M.S. in Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University, 2309
B.S. in Biomechanics, University of Delaware, 2004
Honors and Awards
To many to mention !!!
Representative Publications
Hicks, J.L., Uchida, T.K., Seth, A., Rajagopal, A., Delp, S.L. Is my model good enough? Best practices for verification and validation of musculoskeletal models and simulations of movement. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 2015.
Ong, C.F., Hicks, J.L., Delp, S.L. Simulation-Based Design for Wearable Robotic Systems: An Optimization Framework for Enhancing a Standing Long Jump. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2015.